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Another lawyer said no case, but no problem for us We get results on cases that other lawyers pass on. Recently, we took a case in which our client was injured in a collision with a truck, which left the scene before the police arrived. Unfortunately, our client only manged to get a few numbers of the truck's license plate. He hired another attorney who told him that there was nothing he could do. The client hired us and by using video enhancements and researching Department of Motor Vehicle records, we successfuly identified the truck, and now have a case pending, that we believe will end up with a very nice result fo this client. We always tell our clients, if you are in an accindet, and you are able, take pictures, get names and phone numbers of witnesses.

A good settlement and a happy client We recently got a settlement of almost one million dollars for a pedestrian who was hit by a delivery vehicle, in under a year. While that may seem like a long time, in injury cases, it is actually very quick, especially for the amount of the settlement. We got this result because we agressively litigited the case and were able to put together the evidence needed, as soon as it became available. The defense decided to resolve this case rahter than face us and ourt client. Ther result? Another very happy client. Every case is different, but we try to move all our cases as quiickly as we can.

Surveillance and security cameras can make your case Video cameras are pretty much everywhere these days, and are becoming more and more important to our investigation and handling of of cases. Two recent examples: Our client was crossing the street when she was hit by a car that left the scene. We got a partial license plate from a security video and with the work of our investigators, we were able to track down that car to someone who lived in the area. After being confronted, the driver admitted that he was involved in the accident and left the scene. What seemed at first to be a very difficult case, resulted in a substantial settlement for our injured pedestrian client. In another case, our client was riding a motorcycle at night down the street in the Bronx and was struck by a vehicle making a U-turn. The driver of the vehicle claimed that our client was riding his motorcycle without lights and riding the wrong way down the street. Our investigator found a local business with a video camera that recorded the accident. It showed our client on his motorcycle, riding with lights and, not going the wrong way. Again the result was a substantial settlement which seemed unlikely at first, when it was a classic he "he said, she said" situation.

A medical malpractice case we were told not to take We have been successful in numerous cases involving medical malpractice. One that we are proud of, is a case we resolved in court which involved an emergency room misdiagnosis and the failure to provide proper care to our client. Initially, our client, a 45 year old African-American male, was taken to the emergency room complaining of abdominal pain that radiated to his back. For TWENTY SIX HOURS the doctors in the hospital treated him under the assumption that he was suffering from an ulcer. His girlfriend, a registered nurse, kept telling the hospital staff that he didn’t suffer from ulcers and that it was something more serious. Even though early testing indicated that it was not an ulcer the doctors failed to realize the severity of the situation and eventually the client’s suffered an rupture in his aorta at which point the hospital decided to transfer our client to a second hospital more suited to perform surgery. There was an additional delay of approximately three hours. By the time our client had reached the second hospital, it was too late, and he passed away before ever getting to the operating table. Although there was a lot of delay and finger pointing among the various doctors and hospitals, other lawyers stayed away becasue of the law in New York that limits damages in death cases where the deceased is not supporting anyone (a really unjust law, that we and others have been figthing for a long time). We pushed ahead and after many court dates and depositions, and we secured, right before trial, a settlement inthe seven figure range for the family members of our client. This was a very good settlement, especially in view of the wrongful death laws in New York. The family members were satisfied that justice had been done after all they had been through and we were gratified that we had a part in it. If you have any questions about medical malpractice, please contact us for more information.

Most injury cases of in New York are brought in the State court system. Many injury attorneys don't like being in in federal court. The rules and procedures are different are different and it is just outside some lawyers' comfort zone. Sometimes though, for different legal reasons cases do end up in federal court, and sometimes there are advantages, when possible to bring a case in federal court. We have no hesitation with practicing in federal court and find that sometimes it is the best place for the right case. We recently obtained a substantial settlment for two individuals in a case pending in federal court for sum of money that would have been unlikely if the case were in state court, and would have taken much longer to reach this result

We do not charge a consultation fee

and you owe us nothing unless we get you paid. 

212-233-0800  718-614-0004 (call/text)


52 Duane Street 

7th FLoor

New York, New York 10007














1210 Kings Highway

3rd Floor

Brooklyn, New York 11229 

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